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⎯  GET $10 EXTRA


By using the quiz on FindMySpanishTutor.com, you can get $10 extra to use in future classes. You can read all the info about it in this page.

Please note that this offer is provided by italki and can be subject to change without prior notice. FindMySpanishTutor.com has nothing to do with it. The information provided on this page is for informational purposes only. For more accurate information, please contact italki support.

What is iTalki.com?

iTalki.com is the largest language learning platform in the world, from which all the teachers in the FindMySpanishTutor.com database have been selected. It is a platform where language learners can find and book classes with teachers from all over the world.
iTalki.com has gained the respect of language learners worldwide due to its excellent features and a wide range of teachers from around the globe. At FindMySpanishTutor.com, we strongly believe that iTalki is the best online platform to learn languages. That’s why we recommend their teachers on FindMySpanishTutor.com.

How can you get an extra $10 on iTalki?

After you complete the quiz and receive a recommendation for a tutor, you can click on a button on the tutor’s profile that links to the tutor’s profile on iTalki.

  • If you already have an iTalki account, nothing will happen.
  • If you do not have an account on iTalki, you can register on iTalki to book a class with the tutor. After spending $20 on classes, you will receive an extra $10 in your iTalki wallet to spend in more classes. It’s important to note that this offer is only available to new users who register on iTalki for the first time.

How do I qualify for the $10 bonus?

To qualify for the $10 bonus, you need to meet three requirements:

  • First, you must register for italki through the button on the teacher’s profile in this quiz.
  • Second, you must be a new user. If you already have an italki account, you won’t qualify.
  • Third, you need to spend $20 on classes.


⚠️ May, 2023 Update: It seems that italki is modifying the offer, and there’s a possibility that the $20 spending requirement may be removed. So there’s a small possibility you can get the $10 extra even of you don’t spend $20.

When will I receive the $10 bonus?

It is not possible to give a definitive answer to when you will receive the $10 bonus as it is provided by italki, not FindMySpanishTutor.com. italki does not disclose the exact timing of when the bonus is awarded.

How will I receive the $10 bonus?

Once you have met the requirements to qualify for the $10 bonus, the bonus will be credited to your italki wallet. You will be able to use this $10 towards future classes on italki.

As far as we know, italki does not provide any notification when the bonus is credited to your account, so keep an eye on your wallet balance.

What should I do if I have trouble receiving the $10 bonus?

You can contact italki support for assistance with any issues related to the $10 bonus. You can reach out to italki support through their website or by email, and they will be happy to help you resolve any issues.