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What is FindMySpanishTutor.com?

FindMySpanishTutor.com is a free website that offers a recommendation quiz where users can find their perfect Spanish teacher. The website was created to provide a powerful teacher search engine to help users find the tutor that best suits their needs.

How does it work?

The quiz consists of 7 questions, and each question alters the final score that the user will obtain (more about the algorith here). After completing the quiz, you will receive a recommended teacher along with their description, statistics, and presentation video. Then, you can visit the full teacher’s profile on the language teaching platform iTalki or retake the test if you are not satisfied with the recommended teacher.

How many teachers are in the database?

The database of FindMySpanishTutor.com contains 2,349 teachers. These teachers have been manually selected to offer users a recommendation tailored to their needs.

What criteria were used to select the teachers?

The teachers for FindMySpanishTutor.com were carefully selected based on a set of strict criteria to ensure that only the best of the best were included in the database:

  • Experience and years in teaching
  • Number of classes completed
  • Number of students taught
  • Student reviews
  • Class attendance ratio
  • Expertise in the different fields of the language

This rigorous selection process ensures that users can have confidence that they are receiving high-quality Spanish language instruction from the best teachers available.

How does the algorithm work?

The recommendation quiz uses a cutting-edge algorithm, which has been specially developed for this website. User responses to the quiz are analyzed and used to generate a highly personalized teacher recommendation, ensuring that each user is matched with the ideal instructor for their needs. For more information about the algorithm go here.

How does each user's quiz answers affect the final teacher recommendation?

The algorithm analyzes each teacher and assigns them a score from 0 to 100 in the following categories:

  • Experience and years in teaching
  • Professionalism of the public profile on iTalki
  • Number of classes completed
  • Calendar availability
  • Number of students taught
  • Type of classes offered
  • Student reviews
  • Price of the classes
  • Class attendance ratio
  • Origin of the teacher and native accent
  • Expertise in the different fields of the language

Each user’s quiz answers changes the score in one or more categories, and the final punctuation determines the recommended teacher. In this way, each one of the 2,349 teachers can appear as a result if the appropriate answers are selected.

How can you book classes with your recommended tutor?

After you complete the quiz and get a recommendation, you can click on a button to visit the teacher’s profile on iTalki.com.
It is important to note that FindMySpanishTutor.com is not a language learning platform and does not offer classes with teachers; it is simply a teacher search engine that helps users find the tutor that best suits their needs.

What is iTalki.com?

iTalki.com is the largest language learning platform in the world, from which all the teachers in the FindMySpanishTutor.com database have been selected. It is a platform where language learners can find and book classes with teachers from all over the world. The platform offers various features such as video chat, messaging, and community discussion forums.

How can you get an extra $10 on iTalki?

After you complete the quiz and receive a recommendation for a tutor, you can click on a button on the tutor’s profile that links to the tutor’s profile on iTalki.

  • If you already have an iTalki account, nothing will happen.
  • If you do not have an account on iTalki, you can register on iTalki to book a class with the tutor. After spending $20 on classes, you will receive an extra $10 in your iTalki wallet to spend in more classes. It’s important to note that this offer is provided by iTalki and is only available to new users who register on iTalki for the first time. If you encounter any issues with the offer, you should contact iTalki support for assistance. For more information, click here.

What happens if you don't like your recommended teacher?

If you don’t like your recommended teacher, you can retake the quiz to get a new set of recommendations.

Is FindMySpanishTutor.com a language learning platform?

No, FindMySpanishTutor.com is not a language learning platform. It is a platform that connects students with qualified Spanish tutors based on their preferences and needs.

Does FindMySpanishTutor.com offer classes with teachers?

No, FindMySpanishTutor.com does not offer classes directly with teachers. Instead, it provides a matching service to connect users with recommended Spanish tutors based on their preferences and needs.

Who created FindMySpanishTutor.com and why?

FindMySpanishTutor.com has been created by PolyglotPanda, a Spanish teaching community that aims to help students achieve their goals with the Spanish language in a fast and fun way.

You can find more resources at www.polyglotpanda.com